How To Renew Driver License In Cape Verde

How To Renew Driver License In Cape Verde

  • Visit the office of General Directorate of Traffic and Road Safety (DGVSR).
  • Fill in the renewal form.
  • Fill out the form and then submit along with any other necessary documents.
  • Make sure you pay the correct fee.

Documents Required Renew Driver License

  • The completed application form (available on DGTR locations and also online)
  • Medical certificate
  • Identity card photocopy or passport
  • One passport size photograph
  • Expired driver’s license

Office Locations and Contacts

DGVSRCentral Services

  • Tel: (+238) 2613525/2615707
  • Fax: (+238) 2611124

St. Vincent

  • Tel: (+238) 2315179
  • Fax: (+238) 2325440


What Are All The Eligibility

Anyone with a valid driver’s license from Cape Verde.



  • Application number: 1250 ECV
  • Fee for issuance 500 ECV


The validity of the license will be contingent on the results of the psychometric or medical test that the license holder has to pass. The validity of the license will depend on the followingfactors:

  • In the categories of A, B, and E + B have to renew their licenses between reaching the age range of 65 or 70. Starting at age 70 the license has to be renewed every two years.

License holders in category C are required to renew their licenses the first time at sixty-year mark. For holders of category D licenses, renewal of their licenses first time will occur when they reach age 55. If you are a category E + C E + C Eand D licence holders renewal of licenses begins at 50. Beginning at age 65, those who hold licenses in these categories have to renew their license every two years.

The Document is required Renew Driver License

It is essential to renew a driver’s licence as soon as it’s due to expire, and to continue to be able to drive without hassle on Cape Verde’s roads. Cape Verde.

External Links

  • Cape Verde Government Web Portal:,188596&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL&p_dominio=25&p_menu=28&p_item=275&p_ent_det=1555
  • Most frequently asked questions:



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