How To Renew Electronic Identity Card (eID) i Belgium

How To Renew Electronic Identity Card (eID) i Belgium

  1. The validity of your eID is 10 years. Once your card expires , you’ll automatically receive a notice card via mail.
  2. You need to visit your local Registry Office of your principal location of residence prior to the deadline on the card. In many municipalities, a brand new eID costs at minimum 15 euros. Prices can vary between municipalities Each municipality is entitled to charge a separate local tax. Certain municipalities do not charge for the electronic ID.
  3. If you are applying for a new eID Make sure you have these documents:
    1. the notification card that is used to notify you;
    2. A recent passport picture that meets the requirements on the notice card
    3. the current ID identification card (or the replacement certificate issued by the police if the original has been stolen or lost).
  4. A few weeks to a month after you’ve submitted your application, after you have submitted your application, you’ll receive a notification with the information that your new ID is available at the nearest Registry Office. If you are collecting the identity card you have received you will need to return your old identity card (or your replacement card you received from your police).

Documents that are required Renew Electronic Identity Card (eID)

  • the notification card for notification;
  • A recent passport photograph that is in compliance with the criteria on the notification card
  • the current ID identification card (or the replacement issued by the police if it’s been stolen or lost).

Office Locations and Contacts

Helpdesk Belpic (24h/24)
02/518.21.16 (French)
02/518.21.17 (Dutch)
Fax: 02/518.26.16

What Are All The Eligibility

The eID is given to Belgians older than twelve years old.

Another reason to renew your card are:

  • You’re re-registering with Belgium after being exiled from the Belgian Population Register.
  • You’d like to get a card in an alternative one (this is only available if you reside in a city which is able issued identity cards using your selected language).
  • If you have been unable to locate your ID card or has been damaged or stolen.
  • Your passport photo no longer resembles you.
  • You are changing your forename or surname.
  • You’re changing your sexual relations.


In many municipalities, an eID is priced at least 15 euros.

The cost may differ between different municipalities The municipality has the right to charge an additional local tax. Some municipalities do not have to pay for the electronic ID.


The electronic ID has validity for 10 years.

Processing Time

Within three to four weeks of the time the date you completed your application, you will be sent a confirmation letter that states your new eID is available at the regional Registry Office.

Other uses for the document/certificate

The holders of an eID can show their card to prove their identity , and travel within Belgium as well as other EU countries.

The eID has an embedded microchip which contains your address as well as digital certificates as well as all information visible. You can utilize your digital certificates with your PIN number: the authentication certificate may be used to prove your identity whenever you log on to a site using your eID. The signature certificate assures you are able to sign electronically

You already have the electronic ID:

  • like a card for libraries
  • to prove identity for transactions and purchases online in the case of booking a hotel setting up a bank account etc. ;
  • as an important part of your business’s network as a key to your company’s network, from buildings to store cupboards in a secure manner for storage, etc. ;
  • to prove your age, you can use vending machines to purchase things like cigarettes, or the online gaming platform for the National Lottery as proof of age, etc. ;
  • as the ticket for a train

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