How to Renewal Air service License In Uganda


Renewal Air service License In Uganda By Yourself

  • Uganda Civil Aviation Authority (UCAA),under Section 6 (2) of the CAA Act Cap. 354 is responsible for licencing of air transport services.
  1. For renewal of your Air Service license in Uganda you must submit an application in writing to Uganda Civil Aviation Authority. Uganda Civil Aviation Authority.You can go to their website at the link below Uganda Civil aviation Authority
  2. A request for renewal of Air Service license shall be submitted in writing to the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority and must be accompanied by prescribed specifics or forms in the event that no specifics are required.
  3. The form must be completed completely and completed with the necessary documents.
  4. The Uganda Civil Aviation Authority shall make sure that the documents that are submitted by the applicant conform with acceptable Air Service procedures and national standards for quality and hygiene, food safety, and hygiene.
  5. The airlines need to be ready to defend their license renewal applications in front of the UCAA board licensing committee in the headquarters in Entebbe.
  6. The UCAA before giving a renewal should make sure that all operators operating in the aviation sector are certified properly in conformity to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standards and recommended practices in order to allow them to continue to operate.
  7. Before granting renewal License the Board must ensure
    • The applicant is knowledgeable to the requirements he/she has applied for The applicant is invited to guide him through the application process and explain the conditions.
    • The application must be made on an approved renewal format. If there is no renewal form required, the minister will decide on the renewal form and the terms.
    • The applicant has conformed to the UCCA requirements to carry out the aviation operation business , for which the license is required.
    • That the person applying for renewal has skilled staff and the management capability to continue carrying on the operations in the Aviation operation.
  8. If your renewal request is approved , you will be notified that will allow you to pay the necessary fees and the payment information.
  9. The fee is due once the board is reviewed and approved renewing the request.
  10. Pay the amount to renew. The amount of fees that must be paid is listed in”Fees” “Fees” section on this page. Once you have approved the payment will also send to the email you have provided.
  11. After the payment proof is confirmed, a copy of the renewed Air service Licence shall be granted within 30 days of submission of the application with all necessary documents.

Required Documents For Renewal Air service License

  1. Operational Statistics (previous year)
  2. Audited Accounts of the prior financial year
  3. Third party liability insurance, which includes insurance
  4. Air Operators Certificate( for the previous year)
  5. The Business Strategy (New applicant)
  6. Certificate of incorporation (New applicant)
  7. Memos of the Articles of Association and Memories (New applicant)
  8. Source financing (New applicant)
  9. Other documents that can help support an application for renewal.
  10. All copies of attached documents should be certified by an advocate/commissioner for oaths

Office Locations and Contacts

Uganda Civil Aviation AuthorityAeronautical Information Service
P.O.BOX 5536 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: 256-312-352534/2503
Tel: 256-312-325-000
Tel: 256-4141-321-401
Fax: 256-414-320964
Telex 61508: CAA U
WebSite:Uganda civil Aviation Authority

  • scroll to at the very bottom of page. Contact details are readily available.


An individual who

  1. The intention is to keep any existing air services that is in use;
  2. The company plans to continue to operate an air service that’s license is scheduled to expire;
  3. is seeking to modify the conditions or terms specified in the license
  4. If it is deemed by authorities to have been deemed by the Authority to have significant modifications that have a significant impact on the financial or management of the airline should submit an application to the Authority to renew the license.


  • Renewal License cost US $1500.


  • It is valid for one year. duration that is one calendar year.

Processing Time

  • Processing time maximum is 30 days.

The Information You Need

  1. Name of the applicant
  2. Business address of the applicant
  3. In the event that applicant’s is a corporation (registered office number, registration number of the company day of incorporation, operating company name and address for correspondence)
  4. The nationality of the applicant
  5. Indicate the kind of service you are applying for (i.e. whether you want scheduled service or not scheduled work, air or flying instructions, etc.)
  6. Provide a list of all other air services offered by the applicant at the time of the application, and include the pertinent license numbers.
  7. Detail the details of any working arrangements applicants have with other organization that operates an air service.
  8. Financial particulars
  9. Organization, staffing and Ugandanization of the business
  10. Employment terms and conditions for employees of the company
  11. Specifics of any experiences in air transportation operations or any related experience of the directors and other senior management employees of the company
  12. Equipment and aircraft (state the aircraft you used or plan to employ for the air services for providing details)
  13. Resilience for loss or damage information from a previous time.
  14. Declaration

The Document is required

  1. This permits application or certificate authorizes the authority to regulate the activities of maintenance companies.
  2. The applicant is also able to continue participating as an Air Service in Uganda
  3. This process is designed to ensure that the any prospective holder of an Air Service Licence to fully be informed of the applicable Regulations and has met all the requirements , and is capable of meeting and maintaining the standards of approval.

Information that can be useful

  • For air transporters from different States In the case of air carriers from other States Authority can consider as sufficient evidence, the production documents, licenses, and certificates issued by the competent authorities of those States of origin in relation to the technical, competence and financial capability of the air transporters

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