How to Renewal of Recruitment Permit of Migrant Workers In Uganda

Renewal of Recruitment Permit of Migrant Workers In Uganda By Online

  1. A company or applicant must submit an application for renewal of their Permit on or before expiration date of the Permit.Such application should be accompanied through the supporting documents below.
    • The Renewed Bank guarantee with a face value in Uganda Shillings fifty million (USh50,000,000equals) with commercial banks to provide a solution to the valid and legitimate claims of the Ugandan migrants due to the violation of their recruitment or claims for money.
    • A financial statement audited reports for the previous one (1) year. The report is accompanied by verified individual or corporate tax returns.
    • If the agency’s equity is lower than the minimum capitalization requirements the agency will be granted 30 (30) days following the release of the license renewal to provide proof(s) that it has received capital.
    • In any other case, the license is suspended until the license is in compliance with the said condition;
    • A clearance report is issued from the CID and Anti-Illegal Recruitment Branch for all its officers and employees; and
    • Other requirements that may be enforced on the part of the Administration.
  2. The application for renewal of recruitment must be made to the labour commissioner within the department of Gender Labour and social development along with the renewal costs in the amount of 500 000/= and deposited at commercial bank.
  3. A commissioner of Labour can grant the permit, without or with conditions.
  4. The permit issued is valid until the date of issue in the year it was issued. In the event that the permit holder submitted a timely and valid application for renewal, the current license will remain valid until the application is approved in the hands of the administrator. To determine this an application is considered to be valid in the event that the applicant has been in compliance with the renewal requirements.
  5. If the commissioner for Labour refuses to issue a permit, The commissioner of Labour must, within thirty days, notify the applicant about its refusal to issue the permit, as well as the reasons behind the refusal.

Required Documents For Renewal of Recruitment Permit of Migrant Workers

  • The applicant is required to be registered with Uganda’s companies Act as well as the Partnership Act of Uganda.
  • If a partnership is formed, half of those who are partners have to have to be Ugandans citizens.
  • The company or partnership must be able to provide the minimum of 50 million Uganda shillings of share capital.
  • It is essential to maintain a account balance in excess that is Shs.10milion on the account of the bank (Bank Statement).
  • The applicant cannot be operating as an agency for travel or sales agent for an airline firm.
  • The applicant should not belong to a religious, political, or tribal organisation.
  • The applicant has to show evidence of international connections to permit them to work in Uganda migrants.
  • Officers and members of the board of the company need authorization letters from The Uganda Criminal Investigations Department – A certificate of good conduct from Interpol.
  • A an audited financial statement and income tax returns from the previous two years.
  • You must provide names of the directors’ CVs, Board members’, and officers employed in the partnership or company.
  • You must provide proof of the publication of the notice in papers of the application along together with the names of partners, incorporators, officers and partners.
  • It is required to provide a bank-guarantee in the amount of 50,000,000 Ugx.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development
Head Office
Plot 2, Simbamanyo House, George St
P.O.Box 7136, Kampala, Uganda. Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 256414347854
Mail Address


  • Ugandan citizens are able to own partnerships or corporations at least seventy percent (75 percent) from the authorized voted capital stock, of which 51 percent is controlled and owned by Ugandan citizens.
  • The minimum amount of capitalization is Uganda of Shillings One Hundred Million (USh100 000,000=) for the partnership, and a minimum capitalization paid-up of Uganda. The amount is Shillings 100 million (USh100,000,000=) in the case of an entity as well as
  • Anyone who is not disqualified under laws or regulations of the government to take part in the recruiting or placement of Ugandan workers who are migrant.


  • Renewal for an External Recruitment Agency – 500 000 Ugx
  • Renewal for an internal recruitment agency – 100,000 Ugx


Validity: 2 years for an external recruitment agency, and one year for an internal recruitment agencies.

Processing Time

The maximum period to renew is two days


  • A company that has failed to submit an application for renewal of its license could be permitted to renew the license after 30 (30) day calendar after the expiration and subject to payment of a penalty of Uganda Shillings 2100 thousand(UShs 200 000). /=).
  • Decision on renewal of Licence Within forty eight (48) hours of the receiving the application for renewal, accompanied by all the required information The Administration will conduct an examination and inspection, and decide the approval or denial of the application.
  • The application for renewal of license that fails to satisfy the criteria stipulated by the Administration will be rejected

Requirements Information

  • The name of the agency for private employees
  • Physical address and location where the business will be carried out.
  • Employment nature
  • Type of employment services
  • The business sector within which it will operate
  • Information on the bankers as well as the account.
  • A payroll system is to be utilized
  • The number of employees employed in the office.
  • The date of the commencement of business
  • Certificate of registration
  • Articles and memorandums of association.
  • Trading License
  • Audited books of accounts.
  • Letters of recommendation from at least three of your referees.

Information that could be helpful

  • If the license holder has completed a timely and adequate application for renewal, the current license will remain valid until the application is approved through the administrative process.
  • In this regard an application is considered to be valid in the event that the applicant has complied with the conditions for renewal
  • The Administration will ensure conformity of the agencies to their commitments related to the issue or renewal of licenses.
  • The appropriate sanctions will be inflicted for non-compliance with any of their obligations.

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