How to Renewal of Registration Certificates of both Uganda and Foreign NGOs In Uganda

Renewal of Registration Certificates of both Uganda and Foreign NGOs In Uganda By Online

  1. To apply for a renewal Registration Certificate for Uganda and Foreign NGO applicants must make contact with at the National Bureau for NGO offices in person, and then submit a request for renewal to the Secretariat.
  2. There you will find an application form , ‘A that you need to fill out and submit. This form must be signed and completed by two senior official of the organization.
  3. The applicant should ensure that he or she is armed with all the documents required in order for the process to be successful. The required documents include.
    • The Resident District Commissioner’s recommendation for the area they operated in, to confirm their operation.
    • Annual Report.
    • Financial Report (Audited Accounts).
    • Minutes of the Annual General Meeting and the attendance of everyone present.
    • An outline of a Working Plan and an estimated budget.
  4. Then, pay the renewal fee and send your receipts at offices of the National Bureau for NGO offices.
  5. After completing this procedure, you will get feedback from the Secretariat of the National Bureau of NGO within 30 days. The person who issued your certificate will provide an claim slip/stub which indicates when you can apply for the renewal of your certificate.

Required Documents For Renewal of Registration Certificates of both Uganda and Foreign NGOs

  • Fill in the application form correctly.
  • The Resident District Commissioner’s recommendation for the region they were operating in to verify their operations.
  • Annual Report.
  • Financial Report (Audited Accounts).
  • Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, as well as the signatures of the attendees by everyone present.
  • A Work Plan as well as an unaddressed budget

Office Locations and Contacts

National Bureau of NGO Ministry of Internal Affairs
Plot 75, Jinja rd.
P.O.Box 791, Kampala
Fax: +256 424 434 088
Site: Ministry of internal

Uganda Registration Services Bureau
Lot 5 George Street, Georgian House
P.O.Box Box 6848 Kampala Uganda
URSB General Line: +256 414 233 219
Registrar General: +256 414 235 915
Fax: Fax Line +256 414 250 712
e-mail :
Website:Uganda registration service burea


Indigenous and foreign Ugandans who have established a non-government organization (NGO) who wish to renew their organization in Uganda are qualified.


  • Fee for renewal of USD$50. (Foreigners)
  • Renewal fees : 40,000 Ugshs. (Ugandan)


The renewal certificate of registration will get issued, in the initial instance, for a time of 3 years beginning from the date of the certificate’s issue in the event that the NGO meets the requirements to renew.

Processing Time

Maximum Processing Time: 30 Days


Non-profit organizations are not permitted to expand their activities to new regions in the absence of an order by the National Bureau for NGOs through the district NGO monitoring committee(DNMC) of the area.

Requirements Information

  1. Full name
  2. Sex
  3. Nation
  4. Photos
  5. Background in education
  6. The NGO has a specialization
  7. Organizational title.
  8. ID Number
  9. NGO Certificate Number
  10. Phone
  11. Mailing Address
  12. Zip Code

Information that can be useful

  • An organization cannot have its registration or renewal under the conditions:
  1. when the purposes of the organization as stated in the constitution are contrary to by the legislation of Uganda;
  2. When the renewal request is in violation of the conditions in the Bureau Act.
  3. In the event that the applicant has supplied incorrect or misleading information regarding any specific material.
  4. If the Bureau does not comply with the prescribed procedure for renewal of an organization under subsection (1) (1), the Bureau will notify an applicant by writing the reasons behind the decision to renew within 30 days.

The Bureau could revoke the license of an organization when it is found to be in violation of the .

  1. the organization does not function according to its constitution.
  2. The organization is in violation of any of the terms or conditions that are by the permits.
  3. When the Bureau cancels a permit as per the provisions of this subsection, they must within 30 days of the date of the notice in writing ask the holder to provide reasons for the reason why the permit shouldn’t be suspended.
  4. If the Bureau cancels a permit as per the provisions of this article, they will notify in writing the person who holds this permit, of the permit was revoked.
  5. When the Bureau decides to revoke a permit issued to an organization under that section, then the entity is, subject to the conditions of the permit pursuant to this Act be permitted to apply again for a permit.

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