How to Request for Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Analysis in Water In Benin

 Request for Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Analysis in Water In Benin By Online

  1. Applicant(s) must visit the Ministry of Water, General Directorate of Water office. check out the office’s location and contact information below for information on the address.
  2. Send your request to the MEM receptionist/secretariat front desk. Collect all necessary forms for application or download it directly from this link: Link“Request form.
  3. Send the completed form together with all supporting documents, as per the requirements section below. to the MEM secretariat for recording and recorded and registered.
  4. If the MEM Secretariat is satisfied that all documents are correct If all the documents are in order, you will be advised to make payment at cash desk. Upon which you will receive an acknowledgement slip.
  5. Your file will be sent to the department that is responsible for it and they will send lab personnel to the site at the expense of the applicant, to collect the necessary samples.
  6. The sample will be returned to MEM for analysis. MEM laboratory to be tested and analysed.
  7. The results of the sample analysis will be delivered to the applicant with a sealed envelope, or via the mail address provided by the applicant within 3 days.


Required Documents For Request for Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Analysis in Water

  • Valid identification document
  • Report on the environmental impact of study has been validated by the competent authorities.
  • A sample letter for the Departmental Directors of Water and Mines.
  • A completed request for water withdrawal form.
  • A document of the on-site particulars of the samples.

Office Locations and Contacts 

Ministry of Water and Mines MEM
Directorate General of Water
Address Avenue Jean Paul II 01 BP 385 – Cotonou Address: Avenue Jean Paul II 01 BP 385 – Cotonou Republic of Benin.
IFU number 4200901839118
Telephone: (+229) 21313298/21313487/21317793 (+229) 21312907/21312924/21312938
Fax: (+229) 21 31 08 90
The working hours are Monday through Friday: 8h00hrs – 12h30hrs

– Evening: 15h00hrs-18h30hrs


  • Anyone who is a natural or legal person or a business/company can submit the request.


  • 40000 FCFA per sample

Required Information

  • The full name of the applicant/company
  • The address of the company/applicant’s residence
  • Contact details
  • Address of the premises or company at which the sample will be taken.
  • Intended use of the water
  • Structure characteristic of the structure Depth/Aquifer captured


Document is required

  • It’s the analysis of the physicochemical and bacteriological parameters of the water found inside the samples of water taken in the lab to be tested for analysis and testing.

External Links 

Government Service Portal: Link

How to Single Status Certificate In Benin
How to Request for Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Analysis in Water In Benin

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