How to Reserve a Name of an Institution Pending Registration In Uganda

Reserve a Name of an Institution Pending Registration In Uganda By Yourself

  1. A person who wishes to hold a name prior to the institution’s registration must submit a formal application with the National Council for higher Education after having reserved the name through the Registration Bureau service bureau.Visit their website for more information. Link
    • The Act stipulates for it is the National Council may,on written application make a name reserve in anticipation of the institution’s registration or a change in name by an institution already in existence.
  2. This can be accomplished by going to offices of the National Council for Higher Learning, and obtaining an Application Form to reserve the the name of the institution that is pending.
  3. You must pay the required application fees along with the name reservation fee and then submit an appropriate fee receipt.The amount of fees that must be paid can be located in”Fees” in the “Fees” section on this page. You can also pay at the NCHE the registration Desk.
  4. The National council for Higher Education Board upon receipt of the application, conduct an inspection of the names of the institution proposed, and if they are satisfied that the proposed name is in line with the standards set, will approve the name reservation that is proposed.
  5. The approval usually lasts for a less of a period.A reserved name will remain in effect for 60 days, but not more than 120 days, during which time there will be no other institutions registered under the same name.
  6. The National council for Higher Education must keep an eye on and conduct periodic inspections of recognized training institutions at intervals. The Board will, every five years, inspect institutions for approval.
  7. The name approved can be terminated at any point whenever the Board finds a violation of any provision in the Regulations of the institution.

Required Documents For Reserve a Name of an Institution Pending Registration

  1. the exclusive name of the institute, as well as its proposed physical location
  2. the names as well as the names institute’s promoters ;
  3. Vision, Mission, the objectives and the philosophy that the institute will be created;
  4. that the institute’s proposed model of governance for the institute
  5. the proposed human resources will be required for the operation of the institute
  6. The source expected to provide funds;
  7. The time table that outlines the steps that are proposed to be followed towards realisation of the goals of the institute as well as private.

Office Locations and Contacts

The Ugandan National Council of Higher Education(UNCHE)
Lot M834, Kigobe Road – Kyambogo
P.O.Box 76 Kyambogo – Kampala
Tel: +256393262140/1
Fax: 256 312 262 145


  • Any institute that reserves names pending the registration of an institution, or a name change of an established institution are admissible.


  • The cost of registration to reserve a name one’s institution amounts to 880,670.


  • The period of validity required to reserve the name of an institution ranges from 60 to 120 days

Processing Time

  • The processing time for the Name of an Institution is five days


  • Anyone who plans to reserve a name in anticipation of the registration of an institution have to be registered with the National Council for higher education and be aware of the regulations for higher education institutions in Uganda

Requirements Information

  1. Full name
  2. Identification number
  3. Contact information and phone number
  4. Information on the Business Plan
  5. Occupation
  6. Citizenship
  7. Audited annual financial statements for audit or audited financial forecasts
  8. Name of the institution that is proposed ,
  9. the place,
  10. The mission, vision and values
  11. the purpose and purpose of this institution as well as the proposed focus area it will fill in the existing Ugandan Institute system.

Documentation is needed

  • The name reservation to names with the National Council of education serves the goal of regulating names that universities use, such that there is no university with names that contain two words, as a different university to make it clear in their identity

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