How To Single Status Certificate / Certificate on Absence of Circumstances Impedimental to Marriage In Georgia

How To Single Status Certificate / Certificate on Absence of Circumstances Impedimental to Marriage In Georgia

To obtain a certificate of absence of impediments to marriage it is possible to consult the Public Service Hall.

Notice: the application can be submitted by the person who intends to get married abroad registered or an entrusted individual who has an notarized authority to act.

You must provide the these documents:

  • Identity document;
  • Attorney’s power (in the case for representation);
  • Identity document of applicant (in the event for representation);
  • The payment of the state duty is possible through the Public Service Hall

Documents Required Single Status Certificate / Certificate on Absence of Circumstances Impedimental to Marriage

  • Identity document;
  • Attorney’s power (in the event for representation);
  • Identity document of applicant (in the event for representation);
  • The state duty payment is made in the Public Service Hall.

Office Locations and Contacts

Public Service Hall

Georgian Missions Abroad

What Are All The Eligibility

The reason for the certificate is issued is the time when a resident of Georgia intended to register marriage outside of Georgia.

The certificate states that there are no conditions that would hinder the wedding.


On 5th business day

  • 30 GEL – service duty

Within all hours of the day

  • 30 GEL – service duty
  • 20 GEL The state duty for acceleration

The same day

  • 30 GEL – service duty

40 GEL The state duty for acceleration


For non-nationals who wish to get married in a foreign country, you’ll most likely have to provide documents from the country you are a citizen of which proves that you are single and you are legally married. This is referred to as a ‘Certificate without Impediment or ‘Certificate of Coutume’ or ‘Certificate Of Nulla Osta’, or a “Certificate for Freedom to Marry’.

The Information You Need

  • Full Name
  • Number of ID or Passport
  • Place of Birth and Date of Birth
  • Nationality
  • Statement
  • Date
  • Signed by the one who signs the declaration
  • Signature of witnesses

The Document is required Single Status Certificate / Certificate on Absence of Circumstances Impedimental to Marriage

Certificate of the absence of circumstances that are impedimental to the marriage

This certificate of exclusion of any circumstances that hinder marriage. It is given to Georgian citizens Georgia to record marriages in other countries.

Information that can be useful

It is highly recommended to follow the guidelines of certain authorities consider essential. Anyone who wants to marry abroad will require a special form of documentation. The first step is submit a declaration which is processed by the local marriage office in which marriage documents are issued. The declaration must originate from the state in which you reside in Georgia. This statement will be noted in the event that there was no marriage occurred in recent times.

Because these kinds of documents are needed to participate in foreign affairs, you is required to have a local or state registrar’s declaration or account that is authenticated for be able to work overseas.

  • Visit the Civil Registry office where marriages are recorded.
  • Bring in and sign the necessary documents.
  • Complete a form and make a declaration.
  • Make the payment.

Other uses for the document/certificate

It is essential that the Bride & Groom to be married must present the appropriate documents from their country of citizenship or individual certificates of non impediment, or Certificate of Single Status/Sworn affidavit to prove they are indeed single and are eligible to marry. This is also known as an affidavit of single-status or a negative declaration of marriage. The document is available from the Bureau of Vital statistics in the city in which they reside.

External Links

The administration of Georgian President. Georgia

Ministry of Justice

Government of Georgia

How To Single Status Certificate / Certificate on Absence of Circumstances Impedimental to Marriage In Georgia
How To Single Status Certificate / Certificate on Absence of Circumstances Impedimental to Marriage In Georgia

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia

Certificate of Absence from Conditions Impedimental to Marriage


Be aware that a basic Single Status Certificate or Certificate of No Impediment could not be sufficient for the marriage to occur in a foreign nation. It is possible that you will be required by authorities from abroad to follow these requirements, so make sure you give enough time to process.

    • Certificates might require translation.
    • Certificates might require endorsement or exchanged for an locally acceptable copy issued by the Embassy or Consulate in the country you plan to get married.
    • Certificates might require legalization i.e. authentically stamped, also known in the field of Apostille.
    • Certificates can require witnesses to sign an Affidavit declaring that you are legally married and that it is attached to the.



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