How to Starting a Business In Madagascar

Starting a Business In Madagascar By Online

  • Phase Pre-creation
    • The existence of an object as well as an office
    • Company name choice or company name
    • Legal form of choice
    • The adoption of Statutes (company)
    • Picking Local
  • Administrative Legal and the Phase Constitution

How do you start a business in Madagascar

  • The creation phase can be completed within maximum 04 days of EDBM:
    • Status of Edition (company)
    • Constitutive General Assembly (company)
    • Payments for subscriptions and establishment (SA company)
    • Opening of a capital company’s (SA) Request or obtain to be made
    • Licenses or permits or approvals needed for the activity.
    • Authentication procedures (company)
    • Status of recording (company)
    • Declaration of existence
    • Tax registration tax to obtain an tax file identification number
    • Tax Declaration
    • Taxation of business
    • What is the purpose of patents?
    • Registration on the Commercial Register for the purpose of gain an analytical and a serial number
    • Statistics registration to get a statistical number
    • Tax registration is required to get the right to obtain
    • tax identification number
    • Inquiring for a business cards
  • Post-Constitution Phase
    • Staff for the hiring process
    • Affiliation to CNAPS and membership in the CNAPS club of Occupational Medicine
    • Opening an account with a bank
    • The publication of newspapers

Required Documents For Starting a Business

  • Model or form that can be removed EDBM or downloaded from the website:
  • Statutes of Company
  • National Identity Card (NIC) OR If ABROAD A passport photocopy with the visa for long-stay that is issued by the administrator (s)
  • Certificate of residence (original) from the manager(s)
  • Legalized copy of proxy and CIN for the person who is acting as agent
  • Declaration of existence
  • Formal declaration of a firm (B1), IF Co-management Insert (B1 Bis)
  • Non-conviction declaration (manager or co-manager)
  • Capital for investment
  • Corporate identification card
  • Patent
  • Certificate of parental descent (ONLY for foreign managers and co-managers)
  • Certificate of the existence of this location (sales and deposit) granted by Fokontany of the area
  • The detailed plans of the space that are used for the event with clear indication of the eating, shopping areas, and places of deposit which are covered by Fokontany

Office Locations and Contacts

Immeuble EDBM, Avenue Gal Gabriel RAMANANTSOAAntaninarenina, ANTANANARIVO
Tl: (+261) 20 22 670 40 / 681 21
Fax: (+261) 20 22 661 05
Contact: or

Chamber of Commerce and Industry France Madagascar
Building Tana Ankorondrano 2000
Tel: (00261) 20 22 696 49
Fax: (00261) 20 22 633 12


All businesses operating in Madagascar.


Fee schedule:

  • Commercial registration fee: MGA 15,500.
  • Cost of registering a deed: MGA 2,000.
  • Kbis: MGA 2,000.
  • Institut National de la Statistique Malgache (INSTAT) (see Decree 2005-380, dated June 22, 2005): MGA 40,000.
  • Fees for registration: 0.5% of the share capital.
  • Fee for publication of an announcement of the constitution in a daily paper: MGA 2,000.

Documents to Utilize

declaration of the existence

Trade tax

Register statement (RCS sheet B1 and bis)

Non-conviction declaration

Certificate of association with a the foreign co-ordinator or manager

Investment capital Sheet

Tax Identification Sheet

Examples of Documents

Types of leases

Letter free supply

Domiciliation contract types

Processing Time

GUIDE assures the establishment of your business within three days.


Before the registration of the business, the owner is required to obtain a brand unique tax ID number. To do this the entrepreneur must apply online and supply additional documents. Registration online Registration (NIFONLINE) is required to be submitted prior to the issuance certificate of Registration Tax (20/05/2003 art. CGI).

A company can be completely owned or controlled by foreigners Investment authorizations are no needed. But at minimum, one of the executive officers must be a resident of Madagascar. If a new company (domestic and foreign) is planning to participate in international commerce, it has to be registered at the Ministry of Commerce and Trade. The company can acquire their statistical card and tax registration confirmation commercial registration number and professional cards at One-stop shopping. They also need to register for health and social security insurance. This is done via the Economic Development Board of Madagascar (EDBM)s one-stop shop. Companies operating in Madagascar can create and maintain bank accounts with foreign currencies. Minimum capital requirements are no longer required.

The Information You Need

  • Business Name
  • Capital
  • Full address
  • Domiciliary identity of any domiciliary
  • Principal business address (Complete address)
  • Activities performed
  • Origin
  • Information about the company
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Email
  • Marital status
  • Declaration on the OFFICERS (and other related officials and persons who have the authority to make the company bind)
  • Name
  • Birth date and location
  • Nationality

The Document is required

This document outlines the steps needed for starting a business in Madagascar and includes interactions required in obtaining necessary licenses and permits, as well as to finish all registrations as well as verifications and notifications for the beginning of business.

Beginning your own business in Madagascar currently has one option to go to, the GUIDE which is a service provided through EDBM (Economic Development Board Madagascar).

Information that could be helpful

The k-bis, statistical card confirmation of tax registration commercial registration number and the professional card (carte professional) are available for purchase within 2 days. Due to changes the notification of publication has no longer been required to get the K-bis. Since 2007, one-stop-shop (Guichet Exclusive, GUIDE) sends the firm the certificate of filing of the statutes (certificat de dpt of acts).



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