What is best book for power electronics?

These are some of our favorite books about Power Electronics.

  1. Power Electronics by Daniel W. Hart: The best book for beginners.
  2. Power semiconductor circuits by A. Straughen and S. B. Dewan – A classic and a timeless book on power electronics. Excellent for thyristor-based converters.
  3. Principles and Elements of Power Electronics by Barry Williams – A very good book for power electronics devices, thyristor circuits, heatsinks, drivers, inductors/transformers etc.
  4. Power Electronics by Ned Mohan: A good book for inverters and snubbers, as well as dc-dc converters, and their control.
  5. Robert W. Erickson’s Fundamentals of Power Electronics – A good book for dc/dc conversions, modelling, and control.
  6. POWER ELECTRONICS Principles & Applications by Joseph Vithayathil – This article covers the basics of power electronics, drives, and other related topics.
  7. Muhammad H. Rashid – Power Electronics: Circuits and Devices and Applications
  8. Muhammad H. Rashid’s Power Electronics Handbook – This book covers all aspects of power electronics, including applications to renewable energy, HVDC and drives. This book contains well-cited and reliable references to all topics related to power electronics.
  9. Marian K. Kazimierczuk’s Pulse-width Modulated DC/DC Power Converters – The best book to understand dc-dc converters.
  10. Power Electronics: Essentials and Applications by Umanand – A good book to understand PWM techniques and control power electronics.
  11. Keith Billings and Taylor Morey, Switch mode power supplies – This book explains in detail about various aspects of SMPS.
  12. Control in Power Electronics, Marian P. Kazmierkowski and R. Krishnan – A good book for power electronics control of drives.
  13. B. Wu and Bin Wu – A great book about multilevel inverters, Space vector modulation and high-power converters.
  14. Voltage source converters within power systems by A. Yazdani – Best book for modeling voltage source inverters and PLL, as well as control of inverters.
  15. Grid converters for photovoltaic or wind power systems by Marco Liserre, Remus Teodorescu and Pedro Rodriguez – A great book for grid connected systems.
  16. Design of Magnetic Components for Switched Mode Power Converts by Umanand — A good book for inductor design and transformer design for power electronic applications.
  17. Pulse Width Modulation for Power Converters by Lipo & Holmes – This book explains in detail about PWM techniques to power electronic converters.

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