What is electrical?

Physics definition: Quantity Of Electricity is the amount of charge expressed in coulombs.

According to the SI/MKS standards, the Coulomb represents the unit amount of electricity. The charge-carriers are what make up “electricity”. This way, “flows” of electricity are measured in amperes. This definition of electricity is mostly lost. It has been used by Einstein, Maxwell Faraday, Maxwell, Faraday and Maxwell for over 100 years. There are many definitions of electricity. None of these are science-related, except maybe number one. Electricity is a subject of science. It is also a class phenomena.

More definitions…

Here’s an informal definition of electricity: It is a class phenomenon. What does this mean exactly? Other examples of phenomena include “Biology”, “Weather”, and “Government”. This is how “electricity” becomes a subject heading invented by human minds. Can we get enough electricity? We can’t have enough electricity, nor can we have Weather or Government. You won’t find electricity in a battery if you take it apart, just as you won’t find Biology in a dead frog. The Biology of a dead frog is the same as that of a battery.

If Electricity is a phenomenon-class, then flashlights are electricity and dynamos are electronics. Radios and computers are Electronics. This definition would say that lightning is electricity. However, we also believe that copper wires can be considered electricity. This definition defines the various types of electricity as: geoelectricity (bioelectricity), atmospheric electricity (industrial electricity), electrostatics, electrodynamics and so on. (Anything that is electrical is considered part of this class and is therefore a form electricity.

Common in grade-school textbooks is this definition: Electricity refers to the flow of charge. This definition of electricity states that electricity is the current. This definition of electricity contradicts the one above. It states that electricity is the charge itself, whether they are flowing or not. If “electricity” is defined as current, this creates an unfortunate situation in which physics books claim that electrons are electricity while books for children contradict them and say that electrons become electricity when they flow along. What is electricity when electricity flows along? Electricity?! If current is electricity, what name is it? Electricity? Electricity will appear suddenly when electricity begins to move. This is absurd. There is a lot of confusion between wind and air, so it’s important to understand the difference. Nobody is able to understand electricity until they reach college. It’s almost as if everyone was taught that “electricity” is a form of oxygen. This confusion does not occur with nitrogen and oxygen, and most people know the difference. Most people can’t decide whether electricity is like a fluid that flows, or if it is like a flowing motion. Is electricity like the wind or like the air?

Utility companies also use the common definition of electricity as a source of energy. This definition is not only unscientific but also incorrect. Electricity is electromagnetism. It’s electrical energy made of EM fields and photons. If Electricity is considered a form of energy, then it must consist of low-frequency radio waves. These waves are very long, 60Hz rather than megahertz. If Electricity is energy then it is a frequency-band in the EM spectrum that is below the audio and telephone frequencies. If Electricity is energy, we cannot say that it flows within wires. Instead, it can only flow around wires, beyond the EM energy fields. Because electricity is a form energy, it can travel at the speed light because it is made from the same material as radio and light. Electricity is just one high-frequency form, or electrical energy. However, electromagnetic fields and electrostatic fields both constitute electricity. Radio transmitters also emit “electricity.” Here’s the solution. Electricity is not an energy form. Instead, refer to the first definition, which is the one that originated in physics.

You’ll also find books for children and popular books for adults that combine all the above definitions in a contradictory statement. Electricity is not only carried by electrons but also electricity’s motion… but it’s also the energy-waves that race along the electron-columns within the wire. It’s also a class of phenomena such as bioelectricity. Heh, coulombs of electricity is correct! It is not, it is watts-hours! The energy is not consumed, it moves in a closed circuit and is never used! Yes, volts of electric is correct. Also, watts and amperes. Arrg! (Remember that we don’t do silly stuff for air/wind/sound or water/water-flow. These multiple definitions of “electricity” are unique and contradictory.

Conclusion: Electricity cannot be understood if we simultaneously accept multiple contradictory definitions.

One way to cut through the confusion is to pick one correct definition of Electricity and declare that all other definitions are incorrect. The old scientific definition of electricity is my favorite. It can be described as currents within wires. Electricity can also refer to a quantity or positive electricity.

Another way is to stop using the term “electricity” as it is used in science and engineering. Instead, use terms that are more precise. When we refer to a charge flow, we should use the term flow of charge instead of “flow of electricity.” But if all of this is done, we can’t answer the question “What electricity?”

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