Which is faster, light or electricity?

It’s difficult to tell the difference between electricity and light. We need to think about

Let’s say Ismael lives on Earth and Mariela on Mars. Mariela is equipped with a bright lightbulb on Mars. Mariela turns on her lightbulb. What is the time it takes for Ismael’s light to turn on?

Light bulb

(Find the distance between Earth & Mars.
(The speed of light is 300,000.00 kilometers per second.

Janet is on Mars, while Brian is still on Earth.
Janet has a cell phone; Brian has a lightbulb.
Let’s say that a pair of very long wires runs from the + side on Mars to the Earth’s light bulb and back to Janet’s hand on Mars. She connects the wire with the battery. Brian waits for the light bulb to turn on.

battery + ————————————–light
battery – ————————————–bulb

Is it quicker for Ismael or Brian to see the light?

One principle of physics states that nothing can go faster than the speed at which light travels in space.

Brian cannot therefore see the light before Ismael.
(Electricity is not faster than light.

Is it possible for Ismael and Ismael both to see the light simultaneously? In other words, is Electricty as Fast as Light? Answer: Almost, but not quite. He cannot see it at another time. The shape of the wires connecting Mars and Earth determines how fast Electricity moves.


Another principle in physics states that Light and Electricity are one and the same thing. The only thing that is Electricity is Light guided along wires. (Sort of.)

However, the “guiding” light of the wires slows it down a little.


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